About Us

We Exist So That People Will Rewrite Their Narrative Under the Transformative Power of Jesus Christ.

Way of Weh is a multidisciplinary organization with a hand in the fashion, music, visual arts, education, photography, and filmmaking industries as well as leadership development, discipleship, and mentorship.

At Way of Weh, we believe that you are not the sum of your experiences, pain, and trauma.  Yes, you have experienced these things, but they are not who you are.  We believe every human is made in the image of God and designed specifically for fulfilling a God-given purpose on the earth, regardless of age, race, gender, or sexual attractions.  

Way of Weh is for those who know there is more on the inside of you than just what you have seen up to this point.  The vision behind Way of Weh is one that transforms a victim into a victor, the insecure into one that finds beauty and confidence in their bodies as temples, one that has given the depressed joy, and one that has given an addict true freedom and restoration.

This vision accentuates what Jesus has done in our lives and so many others.  

Our garments are finished in-house, designed and crafted to visually express the Holy Spirit already in you.  You are already handsome.  You are already beautiful.  Each piece was made with this in mind.

Choose to let God Rewrite Your Narrative today.  Don't just sulk in what was.  Step into what will be by seeing who you were made to be.  Live free.  Live full.  Live wonderfully.

Live Way of Weh.